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Awesome Wood Carving Books to Get Started Carving With Your Child

View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Child Is The Curriculum (@thechildisthecurriculum)   This is part 3 of a 5 part series that Schaaf Tools has done in collaboration with Annie Haas. Our goal is to give parents a few tools to encourage their kids to begin creating something with their hands. If you haven't read our interview in part one, or watched video 1, please check out the links below. Part 1: Interview with Annie Haas Part 2: Video - Safety and the young child Part 3: Video - Books to start with Part 4: Video - Tools you need Part 5: Video - Why Woodworking?   Books Mentioned: Play the Forest School Way by Peter...

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Mark Hammers on Carving and 21st Century Heroes - Schaaf Tools Community Spotlight

Schaaf Tools Community Spotlights feature a new wood carver every week. Learn about your carving community, pick up beginner wood carving tips, and get Inspired! This week, read about Mark Hammers, and how wood carving has helped him heal. Learn more about your wood carving community today! This Schaaf Tools Community Spotlight is particularly special to me because of what Mark has meant to our company. Mark introduced us to master carver Joe Dillett back in 2018, after participating in a carving class taught by Joe through the 21st Century Heroes program for combat veterans. Joe has gone on to play a huge role in the development of our business and our tools. To this day, Schaaf Tools is proud...

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Lora Irish, The Carving Pattern Queen, Reviews Schaaf Wood Carving Tools

If you don't know Lora Irish, it's worth taking some time to get to know her. I'm calling Lora the Queen of Carving Patterns, and it will become apparent why after about five minutes sifting through all the goodies on her website. This holiday, Lora received the gift of Schaaf Tools, and she was kind enough (and excited enough) to write about it. Here's an excerpt from her blog article, My Christmas Stocking was full of Schaaf Tools this morning; Stuffed to over flowing with precision, quality, premium wood carving joy: "I use beginner quality wood carving tool sets because I teach beginning wood carving.  I don’t use tools that are super cheap from the local big box store, and I...

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